AGCO International GmbH
Victor von Bruns-Str. 17
8212 Neuhausen
Commercial Registration
Managing Directors: Torsten Dehner, Frederic Devienne, Kelvin Bennett
Victor von Bruns-Str. 17
8212 Neuhausen
Commercial Registration
Managing Directors: Torsten Dehner, Frederic Devienne, Kelvin Bennett
Postal address:
AGCO International GmbH
c/o AGCO GmbH
Johann-Georg-Fendt-Str. 4
87616 Marktoberdorf
c/o AGCO GmbH
Johann-Georg-Fendt-Str. 4
87616 Marktoberdorf
The online shop is processed and operated by:
AGCO Deutschland GmbH
Johann-Georg-Fendt-Str. 14
87616 Marktoberdorf
Service provider as defined by Sect. 5 Telemedia Act:
AGCO Deutschland GmbH
Johann-Georg-Fendt-Str. 14
87616 Marktoberdorf
Telephone: 0080013461212
Johann-Georg-Fendt-Str. 14
87616 Marktoberdorf
Service provider as defined by Sect. 5 Telemedia Act:
AGCO Deutschland GmbH
Johann-Georg-Fendt-Str. 14
87616 Marktoberdorf
Telephone: 0080013461212
The registered main office of AGCO Deutschland GmbH: Marktoberdorf
Registered court: Kempten: HRB 9629
Managing Directors: Ingrid Bußjäger-Martin, Dr. Franz Dominic Esser, Wolfgang Möhrer
VAT ID. DE258087813
Registered court: Kempten: HRB 9629
Managing Directors: Ingrid Bußjäger-Martin, Dr. Franz Dominic Esser, Wolfgang Möhrer
VAT ID. DE258087813
Legal information
Thank you for visiting this website and your interest in our products.
Intellectual property rights
All rights reserved. Unless stated otherwise, all brands, rating plates, company logos and emblems reproduced on this website are protected under trademark law by AGCO. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos and their arrangement on this website are protected by copyright. It is therefore not permitted to download, reproduce or distribute the website in whole or in part. Technical reproduction for the purpose of browsing and individual reproductions for private use are permitted. Any other use of the contents of this website or of the trademarks protected by AGCO requires the prior written consent of AGCO.
This website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, AGCO cannot guarantee that the information is free of errors and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes at any time. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded unless it has been caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of AGCO.
Where this website refers to Internet sites operated by third parties, AGCO accepts no responsibility for the content of such linked Internet sites and shall not be liable for any damages that may result from such content. All links are external links and are only provided for the convenience of the visitor. Therefore we do not check their content. These links are subject to the liability of the respective providers.
This is where you can find our liability Privacy policy or alternatively, contact us via e-mail:
The European Commission has provided an Internet platform for online dispute resolution (the so-called "OS platform") in order to settle consumer disputes out of court. This platform can be accessed via the following link:
AGCO will not take part in alternative dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board as defined by the Consumer Arbitration Settlement Act and is not obliged to do so.